A Different Way
to Write & Draw

Research & Development

in our Research!


PushnDraw® is a registered trademark of Professor Ashley John Pigford.


Assistive Writing
& Drawing Device

Request Your Own

The Pushndraw® is designed to assist young people with physical limitations/disabilities to transition into independent drawing and writing. The current version of the device is the result of an extensive research and development process directed by Professor Ashley Pigford at the University of Delaware. Many people have been involved in the development of this device.

This device is available to caregivers and parents for testing with children. Although the device was developed as an assistive device for children with Arthrogryposis, we are happy to get this in the hands of any child who may benefit. There is no cost to be involved in this research, however donations are always welcome. 

If you choose to be part of this research, you agree to participate in a confidential video conference call to ensure this device is appropriate and then at various times throughout your experience with it. We also ask that you take photos and videos along the way and share these with us, however this is not required. All of this will be discussed after you complete this form to request a device: